Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ken Robinson TED TALK Response

Ken Robinson’s TED Talk leaves an immediate impact because he brings up a relevant issue that needs to be addressed. I take away from this video a new perspective on creativity. As Robinson says, art and dance are subjects that are not valued in the public school system. Robinson’s words gave me a new perspective. Maybe the public school system has it all wrong. Maybe we are not being educated in a way that will help us succeed in the future. Robinson’s TED Talk began a thought process in my head that will hopefully lead to a place of more understanding of creativity and what it means to me, personally. Robinson’s own creativity creates an, at ease feeling for the audience. He speaks as if he is having a one on one conversation with an individual rather than lecturing a room of people. Robinson uses humor periodically to keep the audience interested and everything he says flows and is relevant to what he is trying to communicate. Robinson’s relaxed speaking techniques carry on to his presentation style which is likewise, also relaxed. Robinson never becomes flustered or to the point where he raises his voice, and by presenting in this way, the audience is more able to take in his words and reflect on his personal beliefs. In this video Robinson discusses his belief that education kills creativity which is a relevant and meaningful opinion. It connects to me in every way possible because I am a student in a public education system. Everything Robinson discussed pertains to me and my future. Education needs to change to better fit the future is the opinion of most. How it needs to change can be debated, but it needs to change. Robinson believes that there needs to be more of an importance and significance placed on creativity. If that is the change that the world is making than education should be adjusting as well. I think that’s what matters above all, adapting to the new world. Whether it is by making progress in developing creativity, or in some other way, being able to make that change matters most.

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